Astro-GhostCMS config options in astro.config.mjs looks like this:
import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";import astroGhostCMS from '@matthiesenxyz/astro-ghostcms'; // default defineConfig({ site: "" integrations: [ astroGhostCMS({ // Config Options ghostURL: "", // Recommended to set here, Can also set in .env as CONTENT_API_URL ThemeProvider: { // Allows you to pass config options to our ThemeProvider if enabled. disableThemeProvider: false, // OPTIONAL - Default False theme: "@matthiesenxyz/astro-ghostcms-theme-default", // OPTIONAL - Default Theme shown. }; disableDefault404: false, // Allows the user to disable the default `/404 page, to be able to create their own under `/src/pages/404.astro`. enableRSSFeed: true, // Allows the user to Enable or disable RSS Feed Generation. Default: true enableOGImages: true, // Allows the user to Enable or disable OG Image Generation. Default: true verbose: false, // Show the full Log output from All parts of Astro-GhostCMS Integrations: { // This allows user config passthrough from Astro-GhostCMS to the Included Integrations robotsTxt: { // OPTIONAL // ADVANCED USAGE - }, sitemap: { // OPTIONAL // ADVANCED USAGE - }, }, }) ],});